Scientific Committee


Dr. Bertolino Sandro

Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy



I am an ecologist with broad research interests on how species and communities adapt to global changes. I conduct studies on behavior, ecology and population dynamics of vertebrates, with a focus on mammals. The ultimate aim of this research is to improve species conservation, supporting the development of science based conservation strategies.
The introduction of species into new areas is one of the leading causes that determine changes in the composition of communities. The transfer of species across regions breaks down bio-geographical barriers and alters ecosystems. I am interested in research that improve the knowledge on different stages of the invasion process, e.g. prevention, early warning and rapid response, introduced species management.


Dr. Philippe Gaubert

Laboratoire Evolution & Diversité Biologique (IRD), Université Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, France


 Professional webpage

My investigations feed from the interaction between evolutionary sciences and conservation biology. I study the patterns of diversification of several groups of mammals across different scales, through a multi-scale approach covering phylogenetics, phylogeography, and population genetics. Since 1999, I have been interested in assessing the taxonomic utility and ecological significance of coat pattern variability among small Carnivores, notably genets (Carnivora).


Dr. Antoinette Rast-Eicher

ArcheoTex, Switzerland, attached to the Universities of Bern (Switzerland) and Paris 10 (France).


 Professional webpage

I’m an archaeologist specialised in textiles and furs and working as freelance archaeologist in national and international projects with material from Early Neolithic to Early Modern Period. Fibre analysis - especially with SEM - has become a main interest; it enables determination of fibres from archaeological sites which could not be analysed by light microscopy.


Dr. Clara Stefen

Senckenberg Natural History Collection Dresden

 Professional webpage

Generally I am interested to understand more of mammalian diversity and causes and course of radiations. The focus of my research is on mammalian morphology, functional aspect as well as taxonomic and phylogenetics. In this context I got also interested in hair form, color and structure in particular to see if nearly related species differ therein. Most of my work is on Carnivora and small mammals and little on primates.


Mária Tóth, PhD

Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology
Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Budapest, Hungary


 Professional webpage

 Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology webpage

I am a biologist, my main fields of expertise and long term studies are the urban ecology and the trichomorphology. I am researching the ecological aspects of urbanization of mammals, their feeding ecology, habitat use, seasonal and daily activity, and the conflicts with the humans. The identification and analysis of the morphological characters of wild mammal hair and fur served basic knowledge for the taxonomical studies, for the non-invasive methods based on hair identification, and for the expertise in forensic works.


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  • Last update: 11. 03. 2019.

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